Wizard of Me

I have come to the realization that my life is like an inverted version of “The Wizard of Oz”, wherein I am Dorothy. I’m living in my home state, and I’m continually searching for the way to get to my metaphorical Oz. But more than that, I have three wonderful friends as companions on my journey.

I met my Lion in 1982. He cried a lot. As we grew up, we bacame the kind of best friends that only siblings can become. We had many life events which shaped us as a family, and many more have happened after we each became adults and started to lead our own lives. One thing has always been apparent to me: my Lion is one of the most courageous people I know. He has had major setbacks, more difficulties than I would have known how to deal with, were our situations reversed. But he has always persevered. He hasn’t been too afraid to do what he needed to do, he has grown and changed without fear of judgement, he has always been a strong (and highly sensitive) force in my life. And because of his courage, my Lion has made me a braver person.

2005 brought me the Tin Man. We were instant friends. Over the years, we have gone through a lot and managed to remain close friends in spite of it all. My Tin Man has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He may not always know the best way to show it (who does, anyway?), but he’s always trying. And I know that whenever I need to pour out my heart, he will always be there to listen, sympathize, and give a giant bear-hug while I cry.

Two years ago I began my friendship with my Scarecrow. I have always taken (a bit too much) pride in being the smartest person I know. Yet the brain of my Scarecrow has changed that. He is my first friend to constantly challenge the way I see the world. Rather than advice, he offers perspective, challenging questions, an alternate (though similar) perspective. He definitely has more brains than anyone else I know personally, and having him as my friend has caused my brain to grow in new and exciting ways.

I love how each of my companions has his own integral part to my story. Now I just need to pay off these friggin’ ruby slippers and I’ll be all set.

